Youth Civic Participation

Empowering Youth in Civic Engagement

 To encourage and facilitate the active participation of youth in civic and public affairs by providing them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and platforms to engage in the democratic processes, advocate for their rights, and contribute to positive policy changes.

The power of youth in shaping the future cannot be underestimated. In Tanzania, Power of Youth Development (PYD) is on a mission to empower young people to become active and informed participants in public affairs. Through their dedicated efforts, PYD is fostering civic engagement among the youth and creating a new generation of informed change-makers.

Empowering Young Voices

PYD believes that every young person has the potential to be a catalyst for positive change in their community and beyond. To achieve this vision, the organization focuses on empowering youth to engage in civic and public affairs. Here’s how PYD approaches youth civic engagement:

1. Providing Essential Skills: PYD equips young people with the skills they need to be effective participants in civic life. This includes training in communication, critical thinking, leadership, and advocacy skills. By honing these skills, young individuals can confidently engage in public discussions and advocate for their rights.

2. Knowledge and Education: To actively participate in public affairs, young people need a solid understanding of democratic processes, policy-making, and their rights as citizens. PYD offers education and knowledge-sharing programs to ensure that youth are well-informed about the systems that govern their lives.

3. Platforms for Engagement: PYD creates opportunities and platforms for young people to voice their opinions and contribute to public discourse. This includes organizing events, forums, and workshops where youth can engage with decision-makers, share their concerns, and exchange ideas.

4. Advocacy Training: Advocacy is a powerful tool for driving positive change. PYD helps youth understand how to effectively advocate for issues that matter to them, whether it’s related to education, healthcare, employment, or other aspects of their lives.

5. Contributing to Policy Changes: Ultimately, PYD’s goal is to empower youth to contribute to positive policy changes. By understanding how policies are formulated and implemented, young people can influence decision-makers and be part of the solution to societal challenges.

Creating Informed Change-Makers

The impact of PYD’s efforts to promote youth civic engagement is remarkable. Young people who have gone through their programs are not just informed citizens; they are actively involved in shaping their communities. They have the confidence to participate in public discussions, advocate for their rights, and contribute to positive policy changes.

The creation of informed change-makers is at the heart of PYD’s work. These young individuals are well-prepared to address the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. They are not waiting for change to happen; they are driving change themselves.

Join the Movement

Power of Youth Development is more than just an organization; it’s a force of empowerment and a catalyst for positive societal transformation. Together with PYD, you can be part of this movement to create a brighter future where young people are active, informed, and engaged in shaping their communities. Join PYD in their mission to inspire young voices and empower the next generation of informed change-makers.


  • Nyamagana District, Kakebe Road near Kakebe Primary school
  • +255744111803


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)