Gender Equality and Combating Violence

Fighting against all types of gender-based violence that block young people from pursuing their aspirations.

In its mission to empower Tanzanian youth, Power of Youth Development (PYD) places a strong emphasis on gender equality and the eradication of violence. The organization recognizes that gender-based violence is a significant barrier to the aspirations of young people, particularly girls and women. PYD’s approach to promoting gender equality and combating violence is comprehensive, addressing both the root causes and the immediate consequences.

1. Awareness and Education: PYD understands the critical role of awareness and education in dismantling gender-based violence. The organization conducts campaigns and educational programs to inform young people, families, and communities about the signs, consequences, and prevention of gender-based violence. By fostering understanding, PYD aims to create a foundation for change.

2. Support Services: For those who have experienced gender-based violence, PYD offers vital support services. This includes counseling, legal assistance, and access to safe spaces. PYD recognizes that survivors need not only empathy but also practical resources to heal and regain control of their lives.

3. Advocacy Efforts: PYD actively engages in advocacy to address policies and societal norms that perpetuate gender-based violence. Through partnerships with governmental and non-governmental entities, PYD advocates for legal reforms and systemic changes that protect the rights and safety of young people, particularly focusing on girls and women.

4. Empowerment Programs: PYD’s empowerment programs are designed to provide young people, especially girls and women, with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves and take action against gender-based violence. This includes self-defense training, workshops promoting self-esteem, and initiatives that encourage girls to pursue education and career paths without fear of violence.

5. Community Engagement: Recognizing that societal norms play a crucial role, PYD conducts community outreach programs to challenge harmful cultural practices that contribute to gender-based violence. Through awareness campaigns, workshops, and community discussions, PYD seeks to transform attitudes and foster a culture of respect and equality.

6. Collaboration with Stakeholders: PYD understands the importance of collaboration. By working with local authorities, law enforcement, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders, PYD ensures a coordinated effort in the fight against gender-based violence. These collaborations strengthen the impact of PYD’s initiatives and contribute to a more holistic approach.

7. Prevention through Education: PYD integrates gender equality education into its programs. By fostering an understanding of equality and respect from an early age, PYD aims to prevent the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes and behaviors, creating a foundation for a future where gender-based violence is inconceivable.

8. Monitoring and Evaluation: PYD adopts a proactive approach to monitor and evaluate the impact of its gender equality and anti-violence initiatives. Regular assessments ensure that programs remain effective and responsive to the evolving needs of the community.

9. Recognition and Celebration of Resilience: PYD recognizes and celebrates the resilience of survivors and advocates working towards gender equality. Annual ceremonies and awards programs highlight stories of triumph over adversity, providing inspiration and encouragement for others to join the movement.

In essence, PYD’s commitment to promoting gender equality and combating violence is woven into the fabric of its mission. By addressing awareness, support services, advocacy, empowerment, community engagement, collaboration, education, monitoring, and recognition, PYD envisions a future where every young person can pursue their dreams free from the shackles of gender-based violence, contributing to a safer, fairer, and more equitable society.


  • Nyamagana District, Kakebe Road near Kakebe Primary school
  • +255744111803


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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